Praise Community Fellowship Blog
Just Pray
Sometimes it feels good to read all the uplifting sayings that travel around Facebook and the internet this time of year. Here are some I have seen lately. Believe the universe is always ready to send miracles into your life. A champion is defined not by their wins,...
This Sunday…..
This Sunday PCF will be meeting at 10:30am at 800 North main St. Edwardsville in the Immanuel Methodist Church. It's been a couple of weeks since we have gathered so I am looking forward to seeing everyone and coming together in the name of Jesus to learn, to love, to...
It’s Monday…The Wonder of it All!
When Jesus came to us, he gave us a glimpse into Gods Kingdom to show us what is to come.
It’s the Christmas Season!
The Gift of Shoes! Praise Community Fellowship is in the process of giving away 60 gift certificates to Shoe Carnival for children"s shoes. Most of our certificates are going to our TWIGS kids. Our next service is NOT this Sunday! It is December the 9th at 10:30am. ...
PCF News
Praise Community Fellowship does not meet tomorrow, our next gathering will be December the 9th two weeks from now. We are the church with NO WALLS. Make tomorrow and next week a time to be Jesus to others in your family and the community. Raise The Praise Fellowship...
Jim Ebersoldt Update and more
As you are winding down this evening after this beautiful Thanksgiving day 2018, I wanted to put our prayer list out for all the people we love. Tomorrow morning around 8:00am Jim Ebersoldt is scheduled to have his heart surgery. Sue texted me earlier today and said...
When God’s word Lights Up!
This morning I read a bible verse that awakened in my heart. I have read it many times before but this morning it lit up. When that happens I get excited because I know God is talking to me and is about to give me a new understanding about something. I read the verse...
Prayers Needed and Reminders
When we pray for one another we are connecting God's Kingdom to the person we are praying for here on earth. Jesus would withdraw from people and spend time with God in prayer. Here are some of our PCF families' needs. Jim Ebersoldt we ask for healing prayers of...
This Sunday….
Christians talk the bible to death....but then what? This Sunday PCF will meet at 10:30am. I am planning on a short message but having a big Sunday! It will be a little different because we are the church whose mission is NO Walls, which in this case means no regular...
This Sunday PCF Gathers…We are the NO Walls church!
This Sunday, November 18th, Praise Community Fellowship will gather together as a family to learn, praise God, share stories, and encourage one another with prayers and idea's. We meet at 10:30am at 800 North Main Edwardsville at the Immanuel Methodist Church. This...