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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

PCF has Big News….

Dear PCF family and friends, since this seems to be the season for speeches on how things are going,  I thought I would give a state of the church address as we are now into 2023. Our church is growing! Our choir is wonderful! Our congregation is full of Prayerful,...

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This Sunday

Dear PCF family and friends, tomorrow will be a communion service I hope you will be able to join your PCF family and friends. Our basic scripture for tomorrow will be Hebrews 4:14-16  We have a great high priest. He has gone up into heaven. He is Jesus the Son of...

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This Sunday and More

Blessed Friday PCF family and friends! Metaphorically speaking there is a river of truth that is flowing under all Creation. That river of truth is Jesus and His teachings. It is His power that keeps all things in the Universe in order. As a Christian you must answer...

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Prayer Request!

Good morning PCF Family, I want to get prayers going for Jerry Curran who was taken to the hospital last night with COVID. His oxygen levels were low so they admitted him. I spoke with Sandy this morning and she said they got him stabilized with IV's and he is feeling...

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Now What?

Whenever you are having one of those days that just makes you say, "Now What?" I have found that that is a real good time to go to prayer because God is the only one who knows exactly what the "Now What! should be. Prayer is the tool that God has given His church to...

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See You Tomorrow Morning!

I can't believe that tomorrow is already January 22 and it is only the second time PCF will be meeting so far this year. That being said I am certainly looking forward to seeing all of you Tomorrow morning. There will be great music, great worship, great lessons, and...

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Let’s Regroup!

Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I are back at it. I am sorry we had to call off worship this past Sunday but trust me there was no way either one of us could have answered the Bell Sunday morning but I am happy to say we are certainly looking forward to this...

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Sorry, Church Cancelled today!

Bonni and I have been hit with symptoms of food poisoning. We are sorry but we cannot make church today!  I'll keep you posted, please get the word out!  Sincerely, Pastor Kent

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This Sunday!

                                                           "If you only knew the gift God has for you"                                                                               On my last blog I told you I had just mowed my lawn.  Since then we seem to have...

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Tuesday January 10th, 2023

Dear PCF family and friends, greetings on this beautiful day. I just came in from mowing my lawn! It was more because it was so beautiful out than anything but I did mulch up the leaves and it looks better. Year end tax statements from the church. Savannah is ready to...

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