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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

This Sunday!

Good morning PCF family and friends, I am excited about this Sunday's service and can't wait to see all of you Sunday.  Great music, great message, and being with all of you, it doesn't get any better than that.  See you Sunday at 9:00am Esic Church, 1000 University...

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Praise Community Fellowship

Dear PCF family and friends, here is what is happening in our church: Mark your calendars: November 14, Kent and Bonni are out of town, there will be no service that Sunday. November 21, Coffee and Quiche right after our service in the fellowship hall. December 10,...

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PCF Exciting News!

Dear PCF family and friends, your church board met last night and all I can say is, "What a very exciting, uplifting, meeting. I want to share with you what is on the horizon for our wonderful church family. We are getting ready to grow! There is an excitement in our...

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Examine your Wants

Dear PCF family and friends, what is on your "Wish List?"  I wish I had..... or I wish I could travel to..... or I wish I would be able to.....I have found the older I get, the more that list has changed, and the closer I get to God, the more that list continues to...

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Tomorrow…..”Do This!”

Join us tomorrow for communion. Praise Community Fellowship, 9:00am, Esic Church 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. As I post this I can see the promise that God gave to Noah. It's beautiful.  

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Tomorrow is Communion Sunday

The world needs God's Truth!   Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. The Lord is near...

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Something for Saturday

Tomorrow the PCF family meets at 9:00am at Esic Church located at 1000 University drive. I am looking forward to seeing you! What owning a lawn maintenance company taught me about the bible: A long time ago I had a booming lawn mowing business. I had 7 trucks and many...

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It’s Friday, almost time for church again!

As I was studying for my sermon today I have had so many thoughts that I knew I couldn't get them all in on Sunday so I am going to start my sermon here today. Here is an interesting question: "Who is responsible for showing the world who Jesus is?"  It's the church!...

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PCF Monday Morning Updates

I love God's church! The PCF family is awesome and our singers are awesome, thank you Krista Kell for a beautiful solo yesterday and all of our dedicated choir members and sound techs. Become an Evangelist: Please remember to like and forward our Facebook Sunday...

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This Sunday…..”I Will Stand My Ground!”

God's word is truth. Truth gives us the path to walk in God's Peace, Love, Joy, and Fulfillment. There are many paths but God's path of truth is the only path that includes these blessings. Today we are living in a time of great turmoil and revolution. People all over...

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